
Brand creating handmade products – how to gain customers? 

Handmade is a very effective descriptor used to emphasize both the quality and the uniqueness of products. To use it properly and exploit all its potential, it is important to understand what it really means. 

What does „handmade” really mean? 

According to the Webster’s Dictionary, a handmade item is an item made by hand or by a hand process. Other definitions connote that handmade products are of higher quality than their mass produced counterparts. Given how humans are not machines, none of the handmade items is precisely the same. Some of them feature inconsistencies or slight flaws, which is a clear indicator they were not mass produced. 

What products can be handmade? 

A lot of products can be handmade. The most popular handmade items on sale are jewelry, clothing, and various home decor, which can come in the form of unique figurines, decorative frames, pottery, lamps, and many more. 

handmade soap

How can a handmade brand attract customers? 

To attract customers a handmade brand should first pick a distinctive, easy to remember name and create an eye-catching logo that suits chosen visuals and can be easily associated with sold products. It sets the tone and is a base for the visual representation. The handmade brand should also establish its social media presence and set up a beautiful, easy to navigate website. 

Social media presence 

To establish its social media presence, the handmade brand should post likable images and shareable videos relevant to the sold product and the message it wants to send. All efforts should be aimed at building a relationship with potential customers. The goal of social media activity is to engage, not sell. When the customers identify with the brand, they are far more likely to make a purchase and keep coming back. 


The website of the handmade brand should be visually attractive and user friendly. It needs to be able to grab the attention of potential buyers, exhibit the merchandise in a clear manner, and portray the business as reliable. The clients usually respond best to clean lines and a lot of space without overwhelming detail, which is why the website should be designed according to the rule “less is more”. It is however important for it to correspond with the brand’s visual identity, in order to create a consistent image and a strong online presence. 

handmade product

What affects the brand’s image? 

What affects the brand’s image the most is without a doubt the quality of merchandise. Other factors that can impact the customers’ reception of the company are the availability of shipping options, fast delivery, and the quality of packaging

Availability of various shipping options 

The availability of shipping options is often the key factor in the success of the brand that sells its merchandise online. The vendor may send the product domestically or internationally and offer flat rate shipping or shipping rate by weight, price or product. In order to entice the customers to make a purchase, a lot of brands offer free shipping. 

Fast delivery 

People tend to be impatient and are more likely to make a purchase if they know the product will arrive to them shortly. Fast delivery is also beneficial for the vendor, as it lowers the possibility of the customer changing their mind and canceling the order. 

Quality of packaging 

Handmade brands need to ensure the high quality of the packaging they are using for their merchandise. It should offer protection from damage, while also elevating the product and making it appear more desirable. Custom magnetic boxes make for great packaging for handmade products. They are sturdy, yet aesthetically pleasing, and can be decorated both on the outside and on the inside.

Starting your own handmade business does not come with a guarantee of high profit. It requires a lot of effort, but if done properly, it may turn into a source of a steady income.